I'm always surprised at how the simplest, sweetest things are pushed aside so easily. The other night, I gathered up three of my favorite pens and cracked open a brand new composition book. I recently bought two cases, yep, two cases of those black and white, wide-ruled comp books. They were on sale for $2 a case, so I had to.
Oh, sweet journal. How good it felt to write, to scribble and allow for such freedom to write without a care for conventions, spelling or even legibility. I wrote for pages, ideas flying. I had to wonder why this wasn't something I did daily? Why isn't it right up there with eating and sleeping?
Our grandmother has kept a daily journal since 1957. I know of no other person who has maintained a journal for as long a stretch. She started as a young woman and believe it or not, she uses the same journal each year. It's become hard to find, these days. It is always red or black, always with the year stamped on the front cover and a page for each day. Just one single page.
As an occasional journaler I always thought, wow, one page, I could never do it. But my grandmother is a different sort. Her journals are efficient accounts of her days. Though the one-page entries may not seem like enough, they somehow always are. With nothing to hide at 90, she allows me to browse her journals. I go to the day I was born, the day my parents married, the day my grandfather's dog died, the day my nephews were born. In so few words my grandmother never once failed to capture the emotion of each day. Every...single...day.
Once in awhile she'll call after looking back into her archives to read to me a fond memory that she's run across. Our conversations always end with her telling me that she plans to give her journals to me, and that she hopes I'll appreciate them. Oh, god, will I!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
adventures in winemaking
While floating the Yellowstone this fall I happened to notice the rose bushes along the railroad tracks were bursting with new color -- rose hips! The tiny fragrant berries were the inspiration. What followed was my first-ever foray into winemaking.

Add a lot of honey and boiled water and a bunch of other more technical ingredients (because there's way more to winemaking than I thought) put it in a mesh bag and let it ferment.

After about a week, siphon the wine into gallon jar (thanks to Martha at Cafe Regis) and wait....

...and wait, and wait. That's the hardest part. Wine needs to mature, and clarify even after the yeast has done its thing. My rose hip wine probably won't be done until early next summer, but won't it be fun to pour a glass on the river next summer and toast the rose bushes in full bloom?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Blog of Note
Blogs of note.
I see the blogs of Note everyday. I go to the blog read a little and check the links.. Fingers crossed! I would love to have my blog be a featured on the list of blogs of note some day. I love the chance to see a blog I might otherwise have missed. That is when I found the Beta Dad Blog. It's funny but I would never had stopped and read a blog about a stay at home father yet the blogs of note made me do just that. This blogger struck a note with me. His first post was thanking blogger for taking note of his blog. Then the subsequent post was blasting another daddy blogger. The post was extremely well written and littered with humor. At the risk of sounding scared, I hope he never reads my blog. Still struggling to find a voice and content I feel my blog lacks the oomph he desires. Although that is my definite goal.. Oomph. I'm certain this blog at some point will grow up and become the beautiful well rounded idea I desired when I first started. So stick with me for a little while. Let's see what may come?
I see the blogs of Note everyday. I go to the blog read a little and check the links.. Fingers crossed! I would love to have my blog be a featured on the list of blogs of note some day. I love the chance to see a blog I might otherwise have missed. That is when I found the Beta Dad Blog. It's funny but I would never had stopped and read a blog about a stay at home father yet the blogs of note made me do just that. This blogger struck a note with me. His first post was thanking blogger for taking note of his blog. Then the subsequent post was blasting another daddy blogger. The post was extremely well written and littered with humor. At the risk of sounding scared, I hope he never reads my blog. Still struggling to find a voice and content I feel my blog lacks the oomph he desires. Although that is my definite goal.. Oomph. I'm certain this blog at some point will grow up and become the beautiful well rounded idea I desired when I first started. So stick with me for a little while. Let's see what may come?
Motivation where does it come from? Right now I seem to be suffering from a serious lack of it. This afternoon I set out to do a small work out. Most folks visit a gym or run a mile. Well this evening's workout started by pumping up my giant "workout" ball. "How in the hell did this go flat again"? I thought as I ripped apart my house looking for the specialty air pump sold with the ball. "Didn't I just use this last month"? After inflating, then, ever so slightly, deflating the over-inflated ball I tried to exercise. The sudden realization I don't know any "good" giant ball exercises hits me. Pissed that I have never hired a personal trainer I decided to google ab workouts, see if I could narrow down how to loose this flab... You may be wondering... Well this all seems very much like motivation to me but herein lies the problem. In the process of searching the web for good ab workouts I got lost. I finally found myself two hours later, caught in a self imposed marathon of watching Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe on Netflix.
Obviously I have a problem with a lack of motivation. Now how does a person motivate oneself? I saw a guest post on a blog I follow and thought it was quite clever. This gal had fallen in love with a great pair of boots. Then each time she bettered herself by working out or running she gave herself money towards the purchase of the boots. This is an excellent thought. I would very much love to see a great article of clothing or shoes that would I pine over. Although there is a problem... I don't shop at all. See I am stuck in the land if crappy shopping otherwise known as Hawaii. Granted if needed a new bikini I would be set. Or better yet a cute sundress I would have plenty selection. But no, the items that make me swoon are a pair of chocolate colored suede boots. This seems like any fashionista's wardrobe essential, right? Wrong! If I showed up to anything with a pair of boots on let alone anything that is not within the aloha casual attire code of conduct I would be gawked at or asked "why are you so dressed up"? So fashion is not so fashionable here. So where does my motivation come from? So the search for motivation never ends.
Obviously I have a problem with a lack of motivation. Now how does a person motivate oneself? I saw a guest post on a blog I follow and thought it was quite clever. This gal had fallen in love with a great pair of boots. Then each time she bettered herself by working out or running she gave herself money towards the purchase of the boots. This is an excellent thought. I would very much love to see a great article of clothing or shoes that would I pine over. Although there is a problem... I don't shop at all. See I am stuck in the land if crappy shopping otherwise known as Hawaii. Granted if needed a new bikini I would be set. Or better yet a cute sundress I would have plenty selection. But no, the items that make me swoon are a pair of chocolate colored suede boots. This seems like any fashionista's wardrobe essential, right? Wrong! If I showed up to anything with a pair of boots on let alone anything that is not within the aloha casual attire code of conduct I would be gawked at or asked "why are you so dressed up"? So fashion is not so fashionable here. So where does my motivation come from? So the search for motivation never ends.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I have been a little bit distracted.
I can only say that I'm obsessed. I can knit and sew but as of late all I can seem to do is make these medium sized clutches. I love the design, look, and quality. In the end you have a beautiful hand made piece of creativity that anyone would love to have.
I love the yellow in this one. It is a Cascade Wool.
This Aqua Clutch is a pattern adapted from a pattern designed by Constructivism.
This is a simple pattern I designed myself. I found that I got rather obsessed about this simple looking pattern. Truth be told there is quite a bit of thought behind tolerances, and pleating on this design. Most often when I see this style of frame it is used for a sunglasses case not a purse.
This is my favorite clutch. I loved the fiber and how it knits up!
This is the interior of the same Lilac Clutch. You can see the embroidered name of my sweet and dear grandmother on the interior pocket.
So far I only sell my small collection of finished clutches at a friends store in Kailua Kona, Hi called Pueo Boutique. More clutches to come, also I have been working on a new design of a flat fold clutch too!
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